Misty’s Books

Books by and about the MISTY’s


The Next Five Minutes: Dick Rutan with  Kelly Hall: 

“Over the years I have   enjoyed listening to Dick’s  experiences.   When I received the book, I wanted to see if Dick could write as well as he speaks.  I was not disappointed. He did a very good job of describing his various life experiences, some of which, are indelibly etched in history.  The records and milestones set by Dick definitely makes him one of the great figures in aviation.  We Mistys should be proud of him!”

Charles “Chuck” Shaheen     Misty #52


CoverNov02Misty: First Person Stories of the F-100 Fast FACs in the Vietnam War Paperback – December 25, 2002 by USAF (Ret ). Major General Don Shepperd (Author)






American Patriot: The Life and Wars of Colonel Bud Day May 3, 2007 by Robert Coram







Bury Us Upside Down: The Misty Pilots and the Secret Battle for the Ho Chi Minh Trail Paperback – February 27, 2007 by Rick Newman (Author), Don Shepperd (Author), John McCain (Foreword)







Below The Zone  – November 5, 2013 by General Merril A. McPeak


Hangar Flying  – May 1, 2012 by General Merrill A. McPeak


The Eagle’s Last Flight  – November 7, 2005 by Ron Standerfer



The Great Muckrock and Rosie  – May 25, 2012 by Ross C Detwiler


The Friday Pilots – November 10, 2014 by Don Shepperd


The Life and Adventures of an Old Bold Pilot: Skill, Courage, Luck Paperback – June 26, 2015 by Mick Greene


Return With Honor – March 1991 by George E. Day


F-100 Super Sabre Units of the Vietnam War: Davies, Peter E.- Chapter 5 is all about MISTY